Home Page
Home Page
Welcome to my website! I play with Microsoft Word, tending to wander down byways that few others explore, and I write about some of
my adventures here. If you want to know something about me then there is a link at the top right, otherwise feel free to browse via
the links below. I do not carry adverts, and I do not charge for anything here, although I do appreciate acknowledgement should you
make use of anything you find here. If you find any problems, either with the site or its contents, please tell metell me [link to e-mail the author at mailto:Tony@WordArticles.com], and if there is anything you would like me to write about, again please
let me knowlet me know [link to e-mail the author at mailto:Tony@WordArticles.com].
This Home page just contains links to the rest of the site, and I hope that this enables you to find what you are looking for. Firstly, a couple of links to some contents pages, from where everything should always be available, and secondly some quick links to individual pieces. At the moment most pages can still be reached directly from here.
⇒ Index of Articles [link to Articles/Articles.php on this site]
⇒ Index of Issues [link to Issues/Issues.php on this site]
⇒ Index of Shorts [link to Shorts/Shorts.php on this site]
Articles and Issues currently on the site, probably all written about in too much detail, are:
Article on Colours in Word 2007
⇒ Article on Colours in Word 2007 [link to Articles/Colours/2007.php on this site]
I just updated my Index. Where did my Page Headers go?
⇒ I just updated my Index. Where did my Page Headers go? [link to the article on index updating and lost headers on page Issues/IndexUpdate/IndexUpdate.php on this site]
Article on what the Normal Template is called, and where it is kept
⇒ Article on what the Normal Template is called, and where it is kept [link to Articles/Templates/Normal.php on this site]
I do have so much more to write, but everything I touch seems to turn into a major project. I am in the course of trying to write understandably about the, no longer that new, OOXML file formats, but have been slightly sidetracked into writing about the old file formats, and the beginnings of what will be several pages are now available. If you are interested in looking at, or working with, Word documents outside Word, whether old or new format, these pages are for you.
Article on the old, pre‑Word 2007, compound binary file format
⇒ Article on the old, pre‑Word 2007, compound binary file format [link to Articles/Formats/StructuredStorage.php on this site]
The beginning of my ramblings on the OOXML file format
⇒ The beginning of my ramblings on the OOXML file format [link to Articles/Formats/OOXML/OOXML.php on this site]
In response to requests, I have started to look at Styles. Styles, themselves, are necessary and desirable. Why does Word make them so difficult?
My investigation into Word styles starts here
⇒ My investigation into Word styles starts here [link to Articles/WordStyles/StylesPane.php on this site]
Although complete at the time of writing, the following list of short pieces may not remain so. Those you see can be reached directly from here; all others are available from the index shown above.
W > Ribbon VBA Ribbon VBA [link to page Shorts/RibbonVBA/RibbonVBADemo.php on this site]. W >
Legacy Accelerators Legacy Accelerators [link to page Shorts/Accelerators/Accelerators.php on this site]. W >
Unallocated Arrays Unallocated Arrays [link to page Shorts/Arrays/ArrayAllocated.php on this site]. W >
Legacy Encryption Legacy Encryption [link to page Shorts/Security/LegacyEncryption.php on this site]. W >
Document Corruption Document Corruption [link to page Shorts/Corruption/Formats.php on this site].
If you're looking for something particular that's not here you may find it at one of the links on the left (where
I have also included a couple of personal and family links); similarly if you want help or to ask a question.
If you would like to make any comment, or suggest something I should explore, please feel free to
e-mail mee-mail me [link to e-mail the author at mailto:Tony@WordArticles.com].
If you share my interest in Word, perhaps you share my interest in puzzles, particularly thematic crossword
puzzles. It's a long shot: my mind inhabits a small nether region of space, home to just a few lucky travellers.
and rarely visited by outsiders. If you are similarly inclined, however, you could do a lot worse than pick up
a copy of The MagpieThe Magpie [link to http://www.piemag.com]. The Magpie delivers a monthly dose of really quite
superb puzzles for a small subscription. It is UK-based and, to an extent, UK-centric, but it has subscribers in
various parts of the world; there are some free samples available on the web-site so you can try before you buy.
I promote this purely in the self-indulgent hope that it can pick up a few more subscribers in order to remain
viable; you are in no way obligated and, if you get nothing else out of a visit, at least you get to see what I
do in my spare time!